Business Consulting & Mentoring

We offer a unique business review and mentoring service. We work with you for a day to help identify areas of your business that could benefit from changes which align 'what you do' with industry 'best practice'. We show you how simple changes can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and better equip your business for the future - and importantly... we also support you through the change process. We also specialise in services to the medical industry.

CRM Solutions

Customer management is an area where many small businesses struggle. We can show you how to implement a single Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution able to integrate all your customer, sales, marketing and project information in one place. Whether in the field or in the office, information is accessible by staff on all devices from anywhere. Having instant access to the latest information lets you respond to customer needs faster and leads to increased customer satisfaction.

Cloud Solutions

These days we're all under pressure to use cloud based services. However, not all cloud based solutions are in our best interest. We help you understand the benefits... "and" the risks... so you're equipped to choose the right solutions for 'your' business. We also show you how to implement strategies to mitigate associated risks.

Website Design, Development & Management

We design and build modern, functional, secure, responsive and easy to maintain websites. We use industry standard web platforms rather than those offered by some restrictive cloud based providers... so you're not locked in with just one vendor. Using industry standard content management systems (CMS) also gives you better control over your website and significantly greater access to alternative developers when needed.

Hosting & Domain Services

We exclusively provide Australian based hosting and domains services to avoid the risks associated with overseas suppliers. Teksynergy's hosting and domain registration services are backed by Australia's largest web hosting company. 

Graphic Design

We provide a comprehensive graphic design and printing service. From simple business logo's though to full scale conference and event solutions. We can design and produce a Business Style Guide for use across all areas of your business, with a theme, logo, colours and type fonts all custom tailored to your particular business. Our large print volumes allows us to offer extremely competitive pricing on all typically used printed products such as business cards, letter heads, brochures and flyers etc.